Smart City Works Venture Studio is designed to launch architecturally forward, impact-aware startups to meet the needs of the construction and infrastructure companies in the cyber-physical world. We have established a specific and advanced framework that builds upon the foundation of a standard venture studio with the added deep expertise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and adjacent technologies as well as construction and infrastructure expertise.

Incubators and Accelerators focus on “Stage 1 Entrepreneurship” . For us, that is the Smart City Works Actuator program. The Smart City Works Venture Studio is focused on “Stage 2 Entrepreneurship”, getting to scale and successful commercialization. Aligning the two together provides a faster de-risked process for startups.

The U.S. has continued to receive poor marks for the declining state of its infrastructure. These trends must be reversed.
There is a growing need to repair, replace, and modernize critical infrastructure, including roads, rails, bridges, drinking water and wastewater systems, ports, airports, civic buildings, broadband, and more.

Economic infrastructure, % of GDP

Note: not to scale.

(1) The global gap for 2017-35 as a share of GDP is calculated by adding negative values, converting to dollar terms, then dividing by cumulative world GDP. Without adjusting for positive gap, the value is 0.10%. This has been calculated from a set of 48 countries for which data are available for all sectors. This gap does not include additional investments needed to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Source: GWI; IHS Global Insight; ITF; national statistics; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

States and local municipalities are facing dire financial circumstances.
While there is a significant amount of stimulus spending going into the private sector, investment in infrastructure can provide a solid foundation (monetary and otherwise) across all sectors of our society.

Public infrastructure has been neglected

The progression to cyber-physical systems creates an imperative to invest heavily in innovation associated with renewed infrastructure

The world needs to invest $3.7 trillion in economic infrastructure annually through 2035 to keep pace with projected growth.