Rocket Wagon Venture Studios CEO Don DeLoach To Present A Vision for IoT As Part of Smart Communities in Washington, DC as part of National Infrastructure Week

As communities across America work to better serve their citizens, many are looking to a blend of physical and digital infrastructure to improve outcomes in transportation, water, energy, and other built infrastructure systems. But what does it mean to be a “smart” city or region? This full-day summit convenes experts and practitioners from city and county government, public agencies and utilities, and the private sector to define “smart” infrastructure, the opportunities it offers, and the challenges posed by its implementation and governance.

Through a series of presentations and panel conversations, audience members will:

  • Learn from leaders with experience implementing digital solutions and projects in the transportation, water, energy, broadband, construction and other sectors;
  • Hear economic development leaders make the case for technology-rich regions;
  • Get insights from experts dealing first-hand with how to fund and finance smart infrastructure,
  • Discuss the critical role of cyber-security and data protection and how to secure digital and connected infrastructure systems;
  • And, how to ensure that its impacts and benefits are shared equitably and governed democratically.

Speakers include:

  • The Honorable Randy Maluchnik, Commissioner of Carver County, MN
  • Carlos Rivero, Chief Data Officer, Commonwealth of Virginia
  • Denise Roth, Chief Development Officer, WSP USA and former GSA Administrator
  • Biju George, Executive Vice President, Operations and Engineering, DC Water
  • Robert Stalzer, City Manager, Fairfax, VA
  • Aundra Wallace, CEO, JAXUSA Partnership
  • Robert Johnson, SVP for Public Sector Investments, Hannon Armstrong
  • David Ihrie, Chief Technology Officer, Center for Innovative Technology
  • Christina Winn, Director of Business Investment, Arlington Economic Development, Arlington County, VA
  • Phil Horvitz, Chief Technology Officer, Management Services Group, AECOM
  • Joseph Averkamp, Vice President, Systems and Solutions, Parsons Corporation
  • Lisa Brown, National Senior Director for Local Government and Municipal Infrastructure, Johnson Controls
  • Brooks Rainwater, Senior Executive Director, Center for City Solutions, National League of Cities
  • Christopher Rezendez, Founder, IOT Impact Labs
  • Donald DeLoach, CEO, Rocket Wagon Venture Studios
  • George Thomas, Principal, New Urban Informatics
  • Clarence Anthony, Executive Director, National League of Cities
  • Matthew Chase, CEO and Executive Director, National Association of Counties
  • Robert Mazer, Co-Founder, Smart City Works
  • David Heyman, Co-Founder, Smart City Works
  • Greg Sauter, Co-Founder, Smart City Works

And more speakers to be announced!

This event is organized by Smart City Works, the National Association of Counties, and the National League of Cities in partnership with Infrastructure Week.