Staying Connected and Providing Care with New Technologies Based on the IoMT

Caring for our aging parents and others who wish to remain independent and live at home is becoming easier with new approaches that combine mobile applications with care-giving solutions.

We wanted to highlight some interesting companies making collaborative care easier using secure messaging applications and integrating medical devices. Note that we are not endorsing any particular product or vendor.


Jiobit is the first of its kind patented location tracking platform that uses Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular and GPS.

Jiobit personal location monitor allows you to stay connected with your loved ones, no matter the distance.

Small and lightweight. No power button. Precise alert notifications when you need them. This is location sharing as it should be.






OnKöl connects the elderly and those with special needs to their family and caregivers. The Onköl app apprises family members and caregivers of every happening, from important signs to incoming/outgoing calls to emergency situations.

OnKöl also sets up a reminder for the user to take their medications, for example, on a regular or periodic basis while notifying those subscribing to the feed in case a dosage is missed. OnKöl can connect wirelessly to hundreds of medical devices. Once OnKöl is in place, day-to-day coordination becomes much easier, allowing busy family members and other caregivers to stay in touch.


TruSense updates subscribers on the location of their loved one. Families can easily track them and remain informed of their location inside and outside the home. Using sensors placed in the home, information can be shared including temperature, open and closed doors, and movement through various rooms.









Sometimes routines change gradually day by day. Changes in physical activity, eating habits and more won’t go unnoticed with the CarePredict app, which provides a predictive analysis of the routines of loved ones. It offers a summary and graphical analysis of the physical movement in the form of trends and compares it with the previous week’s trend.

Eating habits are tracked and notifications sensed and reported when irregularities occur. If a loved one has not woken up at the usual time, the app notifies subscribers, who can keep track of sleeping habit changes, while also providing proactive health and emergency alerts.


The Sensara system also track all present and past signals and patterns and provides the same basic features as other services. Where Sensara is different is in their machine learning capabilities; by continuously receiving signals over time, the software “learns” about the individual behavior and automatically adjusts to changing patterns. This helps reduce false alarms up to 90% and results in a quicker response when a real alarm is triggered.


Canarycare also tracks movement, monitors temperature, and oversees door activity without using WiFi or wires. Through its special portal, which one can view it from anywhere. No internet or phone line is needed, just cellular connections. Subscribers receives alerts through e-mail or text.




Rocket Wagon Venture Studios will continue to follow and share developments in this exciting new space, including the future integration of these consumer-based home health monitoring solutions with professional telemedicine and telehealth solutions, further expanding the “circle of care” to include family members, friends, professional caregivers, doctors, nurses and specialists in “Smart Health Homes” of the future.