Don DeLoach Featured on Tech Target’s IoT Agenda

Founder and CEO of Rocket Wagon Venture Studios shared his vision for the potential IoT studios have as innovation grows and Industrial IoT scales. IoT Agenda focuses on enterprise IoT, including industry vertical applications, development ecosystems, product design, hardware, deployment and more.

As part of the launch of RWVS, Don laid out a case for supporting innovators and entrepreneurs across the IoT technology community, whether helping start-ups strengthen their offerings while providing world-class business infrastructure and mentorship, or helping large global enterprises identify and engage with emerging opportunities. 

In the article, Don explains that moving from proof-of-concept to production environments, then scaling across distributed systems requires a solid foundation, including data security, privacy and integrity, and requirements for governance and compliance. 

The IoT stack, from physical endpoints (devices and sensors) to connectivity, cloud, applications and analytics is important to consider, as is understanding how each part of a stack interoperates with other parts, and how business models can be formulated to ensure real-world success. 

Read the article on IoT Agenda here.