Interested in the Future of IoT? Read the book.

The Future of IoT is written for executives and senior managers of both enterprise organizations and technology companies alike to better understand the progression of the Internet of Things; how and why the data from these systems is becoming the most important element of the equation, how to best leverage the data, and the opportunities that lie ahead for those who get it right.

It guides the reader through how IoT has evolved from simple closed-loop alerting systems to ecosystems where the carefully orchestrated artifacts of the mountains of IoT data can drive insight and action previously unattainable. For leaders in any organization impacted by the Internet of Things, which is virtually any organization on Earth, this book provides clear insight into how to bolster their effectiveness and likely, their career and personal gratification. The book looks at the underpinnings of the technology world.

Written by the founder and CEO of Rocket Wagon Venture Studios, Don DeLoach, the book is available here